To make a good working affiliate campaign it must meet a number of standards. In this blog post you will find some useful tips for a well-functioning affiliate marketing campaign.

Advertising campaign:

  • Separate campaigns for desktop, mobile and tablet.
  • Separate campaigns for GEOS (more control and spread the budget more fair)
  • Test multiple creatives!
  • If possible.. test multiple offers
  • Use our traffic tokens and install the postback
  • Use freq cap (1/24) to start with
  • Always use a prelander! Don’t run directly to the offer.
  • If you can whitelist! Always create a whitelist next to your normal campaign
  • Always try different kind of bids (low, medium, high). Quality can depend on the bid


  • Use emoji’s in the headline for improving CTR
  • Use spytools! See what’s working
  • Don’t copy paste from spytools but make a better original version
  • Headline + images are very important and make sure they fit well together.
  • Creative + prelander + offer it should all be in one style
  • Always move into the customers mind and think why they should click
  • Split test different images with the same headline

creative example


  • Fix the right hosting (loadtime of your prelander is very important)
  • Don’t use many plugins or scripts on your prelanders (keep it as clean as possible).
  • Always move into the customers mind and think why they should convert
  • Headline + images are very important and make sure they fit well together.
  • Cal out the visitor (you/your/etc.)
  • Show a CTA button or link above the fold
  • Give people enough reasons to click through the prelander
  • Keep it simple!
  • Key elements: Social proof, show benefits, trustworthy, authority, urgency (limited time)
  • Relevance between ad, prelander and offer
  • Reponsive, check every screen size! Don’t make a prelander based on desktop only.
  • For sweepstake offers. Don’t make the flow too easy. Let them play a quiz (around 3 to 6 questions) or add other interactive elements like a small game so they have to put some effort in it before they win!

Landing page example